Georgia hard Money: Atlanta hard money guide

by | Nov 29, 2010 | Atlanta Hard Money, Atlanta hard money lenders, Atlanta Private Lending, Atlanta residential hard money

Fairview Lending is well know throughout the industry as a leader in non owner residential and commercial lending in both Georgia and the Atlanta metro area. As the leader in Hard Money lending it is imperative to help educate both borrowers and brokers about hard money lending. To continue this education of hard money lending, Glen Weinberg will be publishing an article in January in the Colorado Real Estate Journal ( Glen is recognized throughout Colorado and the Atlanta metro area as a leader in hard money lending. The upcoming article will answer the following questions. It is a must read for any Georgia hard money borrower or broker. These same items discussed in the article are applicable to our hard money lending programs in Atlanta and throughout Colorado. More information on Colorado hard money can be found at and for Atlanta Hard Money: Fairview has also created hundreds of resources regarding hard money at:

1. What is Atlanta hard money lending?
2. What are the reasons that loans fall out of traditional underwriting guidelines that necessitate a hard money loan?
3. How is a Atlanta hard money lender able to close a loan that a traditional lender cannot?
4. What is an example of a recent hard money transaction?
5. What are the key criteria for a hard money loan?
6. What is typical pricing for a Atlanta hard money transaction?
7. What should borrowers/brokers be aware of before utilizing a Atlanta Hard Money Loan?

All these questions and more will be answered in the upcoming article. In the interim if you need information on a Colorado hard money loan; please contact us at 303..459..6061 in Colorado or 404..475..5869 in Atlanta